Traditional Savings

At NCB, we always offer you the most convenient products. In addition to new products, NCB is always ready to meet the customers' needs of savings deposit with our “Traditional Savings” product with a range of terms and interest payment schedules to meet customers's needs

Features and benefits

  • The most diverse deposit terms and interest payout periods to satisfy all of your needs.
  • Regular participation in promotional programs with attractive interest rates and valuable gifts.
  • Deposit insurance.
  • Use of the Savings Card for collateral, pledge, and transfer when needed.


  • Deposit term: 1-2 weeks to 60 months
  • Currency: VND/USD
  • Minimum deposit amount: 1,000,000 VND/100 USD
  • Interest payout period: Beginning of term, monthly, monthly, quarterly, 6 months, 12 months, end of term.
  • Premature withdrawal: Customers are allowed to withdraw before the end of term at any time and still earn the interest rate for demand deposits.

Documents & Forms

  •  ID card / Passport
  •  NCB's Savings deposit form

Fee schedule and limits

Based on NCB's current fee schedule.

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